Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Liebster Award

Hey Everyone!
I was nominated for the Liebester Award which is an award designed to help those bloggers with under 200 followers become bigger and also have a bigger part in the blogging community. I would like to thank plovesfashion for the nomination! :)

Here's what you do:
1. Come up with 10 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator gave you
3. Nominate bloggers who have under 200 followers and link them in the post
4. Come up with 10 questions for the nominees to answer 
5. Inform the nominees so they can do their responses 
10 Facts About Me
1. I have never been abroad, in any shape or form which totally sucks because I'd love the chance to see other countries 
2. I am in love with Liam Neeson - he is beautiful in my eyes (I even have his calender :D)
3. My favourite animals are big cats - I'd love to visit Africa and study them
4. My dream job would be either a make-up artist or a zoologist 
5. I'm jobless - which is why I blog so much :)
6. I hate bacon and ham - they gross me out so bad 
7. I like to have the same item of clothing but in all different colours 
8. My favourite fruit is grapes
10. I have green eyes :) which I think is awesome because they are rare 

Plovesfashion's Questions
1. What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is black - even though it is more of a tone.. but it just goes with everything and looks very flattering
2. What is one essential bath/beauty product you must have?
My beauty essential would have to be mascara! As long as my eyes look good I dont care about the rest :)
3. What is your favourite hobby?
My favourite hobby is reading - I'm a total book worm 
4. Who inspires you most in your life?
In all honesty I don't really know - If I had to pick I'd say my Dad - mostly because he does what he loves and has made a living out of it
5. Where is your favourite place to visit?
Unfortunately I haven't visited any where foreign but if I had to pick a place - I'd love to visit Africa or Alaska
6. Lipgloss of Lipstick?
Lipstick definitely
7. What is your favourite season?
My favourite season is Winter - I love the snow :)
8. Do you have a secret talent?
Unfortunately no :( I'd love to be able to sing or something but I guess it's just not for me
9. Why did you start to blog?
I started to blog because I thought, why not? I love beauty products and books and I'd love it if people actually began to appreciate my input into those.. I'd love to be able to have an opinion and actually have it matter :)
10. What is your favourite store?
Either easons or superdrug :) 

I nominate...

(Sorry I didnt nominate very many - I'm still not sure how to navigate around this)
My questions for you 
1. Who is your favourite celebrity?
2. What is your favourite season?
3. If you could only have 1 item in your make-up bag, what would it be?
4. Beauty or fashion?
5. Why did you start to blog?
6. What is your dream job?
7. Who is your inspiration?
8. Would you rather live in a world without TV or Internet?
9. What is your favourite colour?
10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Be sure to check out the ladies I have nominated and thanks again to plovesfashion! :)


  1. I love reading these! Also I LOVE Liam Neeson, though I am N.Irish, so I may be a little bias lol! I would love to go and safari in Africa!

    Lorraine xx

    1. I was thinking that myself but no harm sticking to Irish folk lol and I know it would be amazing :)

  2. You're welcome! Your reasons for starting a blog are very similar to mine. My hope is that people will take something useful from my blog or be inspired in some way. Feel free to check out my recent posts!

  3. Congratulations!! :)

    Sarah x
