Monday 13 May 2013

Book Review - The Collector by Victoria Scott

I honestly don't know where to begin about this book... Dante Walker, he's amazing. Like I mean, drool worthy even after just reading the first chapter. He's your typical bad boy from the very start, but gradually as you read you start to see a different side to him. The protective, caring, fierce side.
It's not often that books like this would be written from the males point of view, granted it would alternate every other chapter in some books, which I like, but this book, seeing it from a males throughout was so captivating.. I loved it! 

Dante is sent on a mission to claim a girl's soul, which is no problem for him as he is the best at what he does - which is collecting and sealing souls -so getting one girl's shouldn't be a problem should it? Little does he know that this girl, could tip the scale between heaven and hell.

Charlie is the other main character in the book and she is great. She's smart, funny and caring - so when Dante shows up at her door she doesn't know what to think. Here she is - the geeky, unpopular girl with only two friends - and he wants to hang around with her? Obviously at the start she has her doubts about him, but nonetheless, he treats him like anyone else - with a warm heart and kindness. Eventually however - he offers her something should would never have expected - to make her beautiful, but at a price.

Victoria's story telling also is amazing! Her style of writing captivates you from the very start and  you literally don't want to put it down! Her every detail of the characters and the places leaves you able to image it clearly in your head as if you were truly there, and that is a very hard thing to do.

The Collector is actually going to be a trilogy. The next book is The Liberator and it won't be out until August this year and I can't wait to read it :)

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